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Individual Plan of Study (IPS)

Individual plans of study are intended to help all Kansas students obtain a suitable vision of their path toward college and career readiness. As students navigate through high school and into career and college, it is imperative that students set educational goals and create a roadmap for success in high school and beyond.  This roadmap, or individual plan of study, includes the development of a flexible career focus and an education plan that is clearly defined, rigorous, and relevant to assure a successful and efficient transition to postsecondary education and/or the workforce.

USD 204 IPS Road Map

Find the USD 204 Elementary & Secondary Schools IPS Road Map & Readiness Worksheet here.

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USD 204 IPS Scope & Sequence

To learn more about what USD 204 is doing to prepare students for college & career readiness, reference the USD 204 IPS Scope and Sequence here.

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